
Something incredible happened today!

Something incredible happened today! First let me give you a little back story… On August 6, 2001 (16 years ago), I became a fully devoted follower of Jesus. God immediately began to make some much needed changes in my life.  I am so grateful for what He has done in and through me over the years. But, this one particular story is almost unbelievable.... In December 2002, I was praying about a new job opportunity and suddenly I heard a clear voice out my window say the words very loudly: “Chi Alpha”.  I jumped up, looked around and couldn’t find anyone.  So, I thought I was imagining things and continued praying.  Within seconds I heard it again very loudly: “Chi Alpha”.  Immediately a peace came over me and I knew God was telling me that I was supposed to be a part of this organization that ministers to students on college campuses (see for info. about this ministry). Fast forward to 2003.  I ignored God (just being honest) and wa...
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